Saturday Scenarios
Feb 23, 2006 2:06:57 GMT -5
Post by GBFanJ on Feb 23, 2006 2:06:57 GMT -5
Yes, this is a VERY long post, but it goes through all of the possible scenarios for Saturday. Bottom line for WSU: They get the #3 seed if they win. If they don't win, the best they can do is the #4 seed.
Most likely seedings
Based on percentages
#1 - UWM
#2 - Butler
#3 - Wright State
#4 - UWGB
#5 - Detroit
#6 - Loyola
#7 - UIC
#8 - Cleveland State
#9 - Youngstown State
Percent chance of receiving possible seeds
Based on each team having a 50/50 chance of winning each game, though actual odds may be different
#1 seed: 56.25%
#2 seed: 43.75%
#1 seed: 43.75%
#2 seed: 56.25%
Wright State
#3 seed: 50%
#4 seed: 6.25%
#5 seed: 18.75%
#6 seed: 18.75%
#7 seed: 6.25%
#3 seed: 12.5%
#4 seed: 43.75%
#5 seed: 18.75%
#6 seed: 18.75%
#7 seed: 6.25%
#4 seed: 12.5%
#5 seed: 37.5%
#6 seed: 18.75%
#7 seed: 31.25%
#3 seed: 12.5%
#4 seed: 25%
#5 seed: 18.75%
#6 seed: 25%
#7 seed: 18.75%
#3 seed: 25%
#4 seed: 12.5%
#5 seed: 6.25%
#6 seed: 18.75%
#7 seed: 37.5%
Cleveland State
#8 seed: 75%
#9 seed: 25%
Youngstown State
#8 seed: 25%
#9 seed: 75%
All 16 possible scenarios
Winners for each game listed first
Final record in parenthesis, tie-breakers in brackets
UIC, Detroit, CSU, YSU
# 1 - UWM (12-4)
# 2 - Butler (11-5)
# 3 - UIC (8-8) [3-1 vs. Detroit/WSU]
# 4 - Detroit (8-8) [2-2 vs. UIC/WSU]
# 5 - Wright State (8-8) [1-3 vs. UIC/Detroit]
# 6 - UWGB (7-9) [2-0 vs. Loyola]
# 7 - Loyola (7-9) [0-2 vs. UWGB]
# 8 - Cleveland State (6-10)
# 9 - Youngstown State (5-11)
UIC, Detroit, CSU, Loyola
# 1 - UWM (12-4)
# 2 - Butler (11-5)
# 3 - Loyola (8-8) [4-2 vs. UIC/Detroit/WSU]
# 4 - UIC (8-8) [3-3 vs. Loyola/Detroit/WSU, 1-1 vs. Detroit, 1-1 vs. UWM]
# 5 - Detroit (8-8) [3-3 vs. Loyola/UIC/WSU, 1-1 vs. UIC, 0-2 vs. UWM]
# 6 - Wright State (8-8) [2-4 vs. Loyola/UIC/Detroit]
# 7 - UWGB (7-9)
# 8 - Cleveland State (6-10)
# 9 - Youngstown State (4-12)
UIC, Detroit, UWGB, YSU
# 1 - UWM (12-4)
# 2 - Butler (11-5)
# 3 - UIC (8-8) [4-2 vs. UWGB/Detroit/WSU]
# 4 - UWGB (8-8) [3-3 vs. UIC/Detroit/WSU, 1-1 vs. Detroit, 1-1 vs. UWM]
# 5 - Detroit (8-8) [3-3 vs. UIC/UWGB/WSU, 1-1 vs. UWGB, 0-2 vs. UWM]
# 6 - Wright State (8-8) [2-4 vs. UIC/UWGB/Detroit]
# 7 - Loyola (7-9)
# 8 - Youngstown State (5-11) [1-1 vs. CSU, 0-2 vs. UWM, 1-1 vs. Butler]
# 9 - Cleveland State (5-11) [1-1 vs. CSU, 0-2 vs. UWM, 0-2 vs. Butler]
UIC, Detroit, UWGB, Loyola
# 1 - UWM (12-4)
# 2 - Butler (11-5)
# 3 - UWGB (8-8) [5-3 vs. UIC/Detroit/Loyola/WSU]
# 4 - Loyola (8-8) [4-4 vs. UWGB/Detroit/Loyola/WSU, 3-1 vs. UIC/Detroit]
# 5 - Detroit (8-8) [4-4 vs. UWGB/UIC/Loyola/WSU, 2-2 vs. UIC/Loyola]
# 6 - UIC (8-8) [4-4 vs. UWGB/UIC/Detroit/WSU, 1-3 vs. Detroit/Loyola]
# 7 - Wright State (8-8) [3-5 vs. UWGB/UIC/Detroit/Loyola]
# 8 - Cleveland State (5-11)
# 9 - Youngstown State (4-12)
UIC, Butler, CSU, YSU
# 1 - Butler (12-4) [1-1 vs. UWM, 3-1 vs. UIC/WSU]
# 2 - UWM (12-4) [1-1 vs. Butler, 2-2 vs. UIC/WSU]
# 3 - UIC (8-8) [2-0 vs. WSU]
# 4 - Wright State (8-8) [0-2 vs. UIC]
# 5 - UWGB (7-9) [3-1 vs. Detroit/Loyola]
# 6 - Detroit (7-9) [2-2 vs. UWGB/Loyola]
# 7 - Loyola (7-9) [1-3 vs. UWGB/Detroit]
# 8 - Cleveland State (6-10)
# 9 - Youngstown State (5-11)
UIC, Butler, CSU, Loyola
# 1 - Butler (12-4) [1-1 vs. UWM, 4-2 vs. Loyola/UIC/WSU, 4-0 vs. UWGB/Detroit]
# 2 - UWM (12-4) [1-1 vs. Butler, 4-2 vs. Loyola/UIC/WSU, 3-1 vs. UWGB/Detroit]
# 3 - Loyola (8-8) [3-1 vs. UIC/WSU]
# 4 - UIC (8-8) [2-2 vs. Loyola/WSU]
# 5 - Wright State (8-8) [1-3 vs. UIC/Loyola]
# 6 - UWGB (7-9) [1-1 vs. Detroit, 1-3 vs. Butler/UWM]
# 7 - Detroit (7-9) [1-1 vs. UWGB, 0-4 vs. Butler/UWM]
# 8 - Cleveland State (6-10)
# 9 - Youngstown State (4-12)
UIC, Butler, UWGB, YSU
# 1 - Butler (12-4) [1-1 vs. UWM, 5-1 vs. UIC/UWGB/WSU]
# 2 - UWM (12-4) [1-1 vs. Butler, 3-3 vs. UIC/UWGB/WSU]
# 3 - UIC (8-8) [3-1 vs. UWGB/WSU]
# 4 - UWGB (8-8) [2-2 vs. UIC/WSU]
# 5 - Wright State (8-8) [1-3 vs. UWGB/UIC]
# 6 - Loyola (7-9) [1-1 vs. Detroit, 1-3 vs. Butler/UWM]
# 7 - Detroit (7-9) [1-1 vs. Loyola, 0-4 vs. Butler/UWM]
# 8 - Youngstown State (5-11) [1-1 vs. CSU, 1-3 vs. Butler/UWM]
# 9 - Cleveland State (5-11) [1-1 vs. CSU, 0-4 vs. Butler/UWM]
UIC, Butler, UWGB, Loyola
# 1 - Butler (12-4) [1-1 vs. UWM, 6-2 vs. UWGB/Loyola/UIC/WSU]
# 2 - UWM (12-4) [1-1 vs. Butler, 5-3 vs. UWGB/Loyola/UIC/WSU]
# 3 - UWGB (8-8) [4-2 vs. Loyola/UIC/WSU]
# 4 - Loyola (8-8) [3-3 vs. UWGB/UIC/WSU, 2-0 vs. UIC]
# 5 - UIC (8-8) [3-3 vs. UWGB/UIC/WSU, 0-2 vs. Loyola]
# 6 - Wright State (8-8) [2-4 vs. UWGB/Loyola/UIC]
# 7 - Detroit (7-9)
# 8 - Cleveland State (5-11)
# 9 - Youngstown State (4-12)
WSU, Detroit, CSU, YSU
# 1 - UWM (12-4)
# 2 - Butler (11-5)
# 3 - Wright State (9-7)
# 4 - Detroit (8-8)
# 5 - UWGB (7-9) [3-1 vs. Loyola/UIC]
# 6 - Loyola (7-9) [2-2 vs. UWGB/UIC]
# 7 - UIC (7-9) [1-3 vs. UWGB/Loyola]
# 8 - Cleveland State (6-10)
# 9 - Youngstown State (5-11)
WSU, Detroit, CSU, Loyola
# 1 - UWM (12-4)
# 2 - Butler (11-5)
# 3 - Wright State (9-7)
# 4 - Loyola (8-8) [1-1 vs. Detroit, 0-2 vs. UWM, 1-1 vs. Butler, 1-1 vs. WSU, 2-2 vs. UWGB/UIC, 2-0 vs. CSU]
# 5 - Detroit (8-8) [1-1 vs. Loyola, 0-2 vs. UWM, 1-1 vs. Butler, 1-1 vs. WSU, 2-2 vs. UWGB/UIC, 1-1 vs. CSU]
# 6 - UWGB (7-9) [1-1 vs. UIC, 1-1 vs. UWM, 0-2 vs. Butler, 1-1 vs. WSU, 3-1 vs. Loyola/Detroit]
# 7 - UIC (7-9) [1-1 vs. UWGB, 1-1 vs. UWM, 0-2 vs. Butler, 1-1 vs. WSU, 1-3 vs. Loyola/Detroit]
# 8 - Cleveland State (6-10)
# 9 - Youngstown State (4-12)
WSU, Detroit, UWGB, YSU
# 1 - UWM (12-4)
# 2 - Butler (11-5)
# 3 - Wright State (9-7)
# 4 - UWGB (8-8) [1-1 vs. Detroit, 1-1 vs. UWM]
# 5 - Detroit (8-8) [1-1 vs. UWGB, 0-2 vs. UWM]
# 6 - Loyola (7-9) [2-0 vs. UIC]
# 7 - UIC (7-9) [0-2 vs. Loyola]
# 8 - Youngstown State (5-11) [1-1 vs. CSU, 0-2 vs. UWM, 1-1 vs. Butler]
# 9 - Cleveland State (5-11) [1-1 vs. CSU, 0-2 vs. UWM, 0-2 vs. Butler]
WSU, Detroit, UWGB, Loyola
# 1 - UWM (12-4)
# 2 - Butler (11-5)
# 3 - Wright State (9-7)
# 4 - UWGB (8-8) [3-1 vs. Detroit/Loyola]
# 5 - Detroit (8-8) [2-2 vs. UWGB/Loyola]
# 6 - Loyola (8-8) [1-3 vs. UWGB/Detroit]
# 7 - UIC (7-9)
# 8 - Cleveland State (5-11)
# 9 - Youngstown State (4-12)
WSU, Butler, CSU, YSU
# 1 - Butler (12-4) [1-1 vs. UWM, 1-1 vs. WSU, 7-1 vs. UWGB/Loyola/Detroit/UIC]
# 2 - UWM (12-4) [1-1 vs. Butler, 1-1 vs. WSU, 6-2 vs. UWGB/Loyola/Detroit/UIC]
# 3 - Wright State (9-7)
# 4 - UWGB (7-9) [4-2 vs. Loyola/Detroit/UIC]
# 5 - Loyola (7-9) [3-3 vs. UWGB/Detroit, 1-3 vs. Butler/UWM]
# 6 - Detroit (7-9) [3-3 vs. UWGB/Loyola, 0-4 vs. Butler/UWM]
# 7 - UIC (7-9) [2-4 vs. UWGB/Loyola/Detroit]
# 8 - Cleveland State (6-10)
# 9 - Youngstown State (5-11)
WSU, Butler, CSU, Loyola
# 1 - UWM (12-4) [1-1 vs. Butler, 1-1 vs. WSU, 2-0 vs. Loyola]
# 2 - Butler (12-4) [1-1 vs. UWM, 1-1 vs. WSU, 1-1 vs. Loyola]
# 3 - Wright State (9-7)
# 4 - Loyola (8-8)
# 5 - UWGB (7-9) [2-2 vs. UIC/Detroit, 1-3 vs. Butler/UWM, 1-1 vs. UIC, 1-3 vs. Butler/UWM, 1-1 vs. WSU, 2-0 vs. Loyola]
# 6 - UIC (7-9) [2-2 vs. UWGB/Detroit, 1-3 vs. Butler/UWM, 1-1 vs. UWGB, 1-3 vs. Butler/UWM, 1-1 vs. WSU, 0-2 vs. Loyola]
# 7 - Detroit (7-9) [2-2 vs. UWGB/UIC, 0-4 vs. Butler/UWM]
# 8 - Cleveland State (6-10)
# 9 - Youngstown State (4-12)
WSU, Butler, UWGB, YSU
# 1 - Butler (12-4) [1-1 vs. UWM, 1-1 vs. WSU, 2-0 vs. UWGB]
# 2 - UWM (12-4) [1-1 vs. Butler, 1-1 vs. WSU, 1-1 vs. UWGB]
# 3 - Wright State (9-7)
# 4 - UWGB (8-8)
# 5 - Loyola (7-9) [3-1 vs. Detroit/UIC]
# 6 - Detroit (7-9) [2-2 vs. Loyola/UIC]
# 7 - UIC (7-9) [1-3 vs. Loyola/Detroit]
# 8 - Youngstown State (5-11) [1-1 vs. CSU, 1-3 vs. Butler/UWM]
# 9 - Cleveland State (5-11) [1-1 vs. CSU, 0-4 vs. Butler/UWM]
WSU, Butler, UWGB, Loyola
# 1 - Butler (12-4) [1-1 vs. UWM, 1-1 vs. WSU, 3-1 vs. UWGB/Loyola, 4-0 vs. UIC/Detroit]
# 2 - UWM (12-4) [1-1 vs. Butler, 1-1 vs. WSU, 3-1 vs. UWGB/Loyola, 3-1 vs. UIC/Detroit]
# 3 - Wright State (9-7)
# 4 - UWGB (8-8) [2-0 vs. Loyola]
# 5 - Loyola (8-8) [0-2 vs. UWGB]
# 6 - UIC (7-9) [1-1 vs. Detroit, 1-3 vs. Butler/UWM]
# 7 - Detroit (7-9) [1-1 vs. UIC, 0-4 vs. Butler/UWM]
# 8 - Cleveland State (5-11)
# 9 - Youngstown State (4-12)
Most likely seedings
Based on percentages
#1 - UWM
#2 - Butler
#3 - Wright State
#4 - UWGB
#5 - Detroit
#6 - Loyola
#7 - UIC
#8 - Cleveland State
#9 - Youngstown State
Percent chance of receiving possible seeds
Based on each team having a 50/50 chance of winning each game, though actual odds may be different
#1 seed: 56.25%
#2 seed: 43.75%
#1 seed: 43.75%
#2 seed: 56.25%
Wright State
#3 seed: 50%
#4 seed: 6.25%
#5 seed: 18.75%
#6 seed: 18.75%
#7 seed: 6.25%
#3 seed: 12.5%
#4 seed: 43.75%
#5 seed: 18.75%
#6 seed: 18.75%
#7 seed: 6.25%
#4 seed: 12.5%
#5 seed: 37.5%
#6 seed: 18.75%
#7 seed: 31.25%
#3 seed: 12.5%
#4 seed: 25%
#5 seed: 18.75%
#6 seed: 25%
#7 seed: 18.75%
#3 seed: 25%
#4 seed: 12.5%
#5 seed: 6.25%
#6 seed: 18.75%
#7 seed: 37.5%
Cleveland State
#8 seed: 75%
#9 seed: 25%
Youngstown State
#8 seed: 25%
#9 seed: 75%
All 16 possible scenarios
Winners for each game listed first
Final record in parenthesis, tie-breakers in brackets
UIC, Detroit, CSU, YSU
# 1 - UWM (12-4)
# 2 - Butler (11-5)
# 3 - UIC (8-8) [3-1 vs. Detroit/WSU]
# 4 - Detroit (8-8) [2-2 vs. UIC/WSU]
# 5 - Wright State (8-8) [1-3 vs. UIC/Detroit]
# 6 - UWGB (7-9) [2-0 vs. Loyola]
# 7 - Loyola (7-9) [0-2 vs. UWGB]
# 8 - Cleveland State (6-10)
# 9 - Youngstown State (5-11)
UIC, Detroit, CSU, Loyola
# 1 - UWM (12-4)
# 2 - Butler (11-5)
# 3 - Loyola (8-8) [4-2 vs. UIC/Detroit/WSU]
# 4 - UIC (8-8) [3-3 vs. Loyola/Detroit/WSU, 1-1 vs. Detroit, 1-1 vs. UWM]
# 5 - Detroit (8-8) [3-3 vs. Loyola/UIC/WSU, 1-1 vs. UIC, 0-2 vs. UWM]
# 6 - Wright State (8-8) [2-4 vs. Loyola/UIC/Detroit]
# 7 - UWGB (7-9)
# 8 - Cleveland State (6-10)
# 9 - Youngstown State (4-12)
UIC, Detroit, UWGB, YSU
# 1 - UWM (12-4)
# 2 - Butler (11-5)
# 3 - UIC (8-8) [4-2 vs. UWGB/Detroit/WSU]
# 4 - UWGB (8-8) [3-3 vs. UIC/Detroit/WSU, 1-1 vs. Detroit, 1-1 vs. UWM]
# 5 - Detroit (8-8) [3-3 vs. UIC/UWGB/WSU, 1-1 vs. UWGB, 0-2 vs. UWM]
# 6 - Wright State (8-8) [2-4 vs. UIC/UWGB/Detroit]
# 7 - Loyola (7-9)
# 8 - Youngstown State (5-11) [1-1 vs. CSU, 0-2 vs. UWM, 1-1 vs. Butler]
# 9 - Cleveland State (5-11) [1-1 vs. CSU, 0-2 vs. UWM, 0-2 vs. Butler]
UIC, Detroit, UWGB, Loyola
# 1 - UWM (12-4)
# 2 - Butler (11-5)
# 3 - UWGB (8-8) [5-3 vs. UIC/Detroit/Loyola/WSU]
# 4 - Loyola (8-8) [4-4 vs. UWGB/Detroit/Loyola/WSU, 3-1 vs. UIC/Detroit]
# 5 - Detroit (8-8) [4-4 vs. UWGB/UIC/Loyola/WSU, 2-2 vs. UIC/Loyola]
# 6 - UIC (8-8) [4-4 vs. UWGB/UIC/Detroit/WSU, 1-3 vs. Detroit/Loyola]
# 7 - Wright State (8-8) [3-5 vs. UWGB/UIC/Detroit/Loyola]
# 8 - Cleveland State (5-11)
# 9 - Youngstown State (4-12)
UIC, Butler, CSU, YSU
# 1 - Butler (12-4) [1-1 vs. UWM, 3-1 vs. UIC/WSU]
# 2 - UWM (12-4) [1-1 vs. Butler, 2-2 vs. UIC/WSU]
# 3 - UIC (8-8) [2-0 vs. WSU]
# 4 - Wright State (8-8) [0-2 vs. UIC]
# 5 - UWGB (7-9) [3-1 vs. Detroit/Loyola]
# 6 - Detroit (7-9) [2-2 vs. UWGB/Loyola]
# 7 - Loyola (7-9) [1-3 vs. UWGB/Detroit]
# 8 - Cleveland State (6-10)
# 9 - Youngstown State (5-11)
UIC, Butler, CSU, Loyola
# 1 - Butler (12-4) [1-1 vs. UWM, 4-2 vs. Loyola/UIC/WSU, 4-0 vs. UWGB/Detroit]
# 2 - UWM (12-4) [1-1 vs. Butler, 4-2 vs. Loyola/UIC/WSU, 3-1 vs. UWGB/Detroit]
# 3 - Loyola (8-8) [3-1 vs. UIC/WSU]
# 4 - UIC (8-8) [2-2 vs. Loyola/WSU]
# 5 - Wright State (8-8) [1-3 vs. UIC/Loyola]
# 6 - UWGB (7-9) [1-1 vs. Detroit, 1-3 vs. Butler/UWM]
# 7 - Detroit (7-9) [1-1 vs. UWGB, 0-4 vs. Butler/UWM]
# 8 - Cleveland State (6-10)
# 9 - Youngstown State (4-12)
UIC, Butler, UWGB, YSU
# 1 - Butler (12-4) [1-1 vs. UWM, 5-1 vs. UIC/UWGB/WSU]
# 2 - UWM (12-4) [1-1 vs. Butler, 3-3 vs. UIC/UWGB/WSU]
# 3 - UIC (8-8) [3-1 vs. UWGB/WSU]
# 4 - UWGB (8-8) [2-2 vs. UIC/WSU]
# 5 - Wright State (8-8) [1-3 vs. UWGB/UIC]
# 6 - Loyola (7-9) [1-1 vs. Detroit, 1-3 vs. Butler/UWM]
# 7 - Detroit (7-9) [1-1 vs. Loyola, 0-4 vs. Butler/UWM]
# 8 - Youngstown State (5-11) [1-1 vs. CSU, 1-3 vs. Butler/UWM]
# 9 - Cleveland State (5-11) [1-1 vs. CSU, 0-4 vs. Butler/UWM]
UIC, Butler, UWGB, Loyola
# 1 - Butler (12-4) [1-1 vs. UWM, 6-2 vs. UWGB/Loyola/UIC/WSU]
# 2 - UWM (12-4) [1-1 vs. Butler, 5-3 vs. UWGB/Loyola/UIC/WSU]
# 3 - UWGB (8-8) [4-2 vs. Loyola/UIC/WSU]
# 4 - Loyola (8-8) [3-3 vs. UWGB/UIC/WSU, 2-0 vs. UIC]
# 5 - UIC (8-8) [3-3 vs. UWGB/UIC/WSU, 0-2 vs. Loyola]
# 6 - Wright State (8-8) [2-4 vs. UWGB/Loyola/UIC]
# 7 - Detroit (7-9)
# 8 - Cleveland State (5-11)
# 9 - Youngstown State (4-12)
WSU, Detroit, CSU, YSU
# 1 - UWM (12-4)
# 2 - Butler (11-5)
# 3 - Wright State (9-7)
# 4 - Detroit (8-8)
# 5 - UWGB (7-9) [3-1 vs. Loyola/UIC]
# 6 - Loyola (7-9) [2-2 vs. UWGB/UIC]
# 7 - UIC (7-9) [1-3 vs. UWGB/Loyola]
# 8 - Cleveland State (6-10)
# 9 - Youngstown State (5-11)
WSU, Detroit, CSU, Loyola
# 1 - UWM (12-4)
# 2 - Butler (11-5)
# 3 - Wright State (9-7)
# 4 - Loyola (8-8) [1-1 vs. Detroit, 0-2 vs. UWM, 1-1 vs. Butler, 1-1 vs. WSU, 2-2 vs. UWGB/UIC, 2-0 vs. CSU]
# 5 - Detroit (8-8) [1-1 vs. Loyola, 0-2 vs. UWM, 1-1 vs. Butler, 1-1 vs. WSU, 2-2 vs. UWGB/UIC, 1-1 vs. CSU]
# 6 - UWGB (7-9) [1-1 vs. UIC, 1-1 vs. UWM, 0-2 vs. Butler, 1-1 vs. WSU, 3-1 vs. Loyola/Detroit]
# 7 - UIC (7-9) [1-1 vs. UWGB, 1-1 vs. UWM, 0-2 vs. Butler, 1-1 vs. WSU, 1-3 vs. Loyola/Detroit]
# 8 - Cleveland State (6-10)
# 9 - Youngstown State (4-12)
WSU, Detroit, UWGB, YSU
# 1 - UWM (12-4)
# 2 - Butler (11-5)
# 3 - Wright State (9-7)
# 4 - UWGB (8-8) [1-1 vs. Detroit, 1-1 vs. UWM]
# 5 - Detroit (8-8) [1-1 vs. UWGB, 0-2 vs. UWM]
# 6 - Loyola (7-9) [2-0 vs. UIC]
# 7 - UIC (7-9) [0-2 vs. Loyola]
# 8 - Youngstown State (5-11) [1-1 vs. CSU, 0-2 vs. UWM, 1-1 vs. Butler]
# 9 - Cleveland State (5-11) [1-1 vs. CSU, 0-2 vs. UWM, 0-2 vs. Butler]
WSU, Detroit, UWGB, Loyola
# 1 - UWM (12-4)
# 2 - Butler (11-5)
# 3 - Wright State (9-7)
# 4 - UWGB (8-8) [3-1 vs. Detroit/Loyola]
# 5 - Detroit (8-8) [2-2 vs. UWGB/Loyola]
# 6 - Loyola (8-8) [1-3 vs. UWGB/Detroit]
# 7 - UIC (7-9)
# 8 - Cleveland State (5-11)
# 9 - Youngstown State (4-12)
WSU, Butler, CSU, YSU
# 1 - Butler (12-4) [1-1 vs. UWM, 1-1 vs. WSU, 7-1 vs. UWGB/Loyola/Detroit/UIC]
# 2 - UWM (12-4) [1-1 vs. Butler, 1-1 vs. WSU, 6-2 vs. UWGB/Loyola/Detroit/UIC]
# 3 - Wright State (9-7)
# 4 - UWGB (7-9) [4-2 vs. Loyola/Detroit/UIC]
# 5 - Loyola (7-9) [3-3 vs. UWGB/Detroit, 1-3 vs. Butler/UWM]
# 6 - Detroit (7-9) [3-3 vs. UWGB/Loyola, 0-4 vs. Butler/UWM]
# 7 - UIC (7-9) [2-4 vs. UWGB/Loyola/Detroit]
# 8 - Cleveland State (6-10)
# 9 - Youngstown State (5-11)
WSU, Butler, CSU, Loyola
# 1 - UWM (12-4) [1-1 vs. Butler, 1-1 vs. WSU, 2-0 vs. Loyola]
# 2 - Butler (12-4) [1-1 vs. UWM, 1-1 vs. WSU, 1-1 vs. Loyola]
# 3 - Wright State (9-7)
# 4 - Loyola (8-8)
# 5 - UWGB (7-9) [2-2 vs. UIC/Detroit, 1-3 vs. Butler/UWM, 1-1 vs. UIC, 1-3 vs. Butler/UWM, 1-1 vs. WSU, 2-0 vs. Loyola]
# 6 - UIC (7-9) [2-2 vs. UWGB/Detroit, 1-3 vs. Butler/UWM, 1-1 vs. UWGB, 1-3 vs. Butler/UWM, 1-1 vs. WSU, 0-2 vs. Loyola]
# 7 - Detroit (7-9) [2-2 vs. UWGB/UIC, 0-4 vs. Butler/UWM]
# 8 - Cleveland State (6-10)
# 9 - Youngstown State (4-12)
WSU, Butler, UWGB, YSU
# 1 - Butler (12-4) [1-1 vs. UWM, 1-1 vs. WSU, 2-0 vs. UWGB]
# 2 - UWM (12-4) [1-1 vs. Butler, 1-1 vs. WSU, 1-1 vs. UWGB]
# 3 - Wright State (9-7)
# 4 - UWGB (8-8)
# 5 - Loyola (7-9) [3-1 vs. Detroit/UIC]
# 6 - Detroit (7-9) [2-2 vs. Loyola/UIC]
# 7 - UIC (7-9) [1-3 vs. Loyola/Detroit]
# 8 - Youngstown State (5-11) [1-1 vs. CSU, 1-3 vs. Butler/UWM]
# 9 - Cleveland State (5-11) [1-1 vs. CSU, 0-4 vs. Butler/UWM]
WSU, Butler, UWGB, Loyola
# 1 - Butler (12-4) [1-1 vs. UWM, 1-1 vs. WSU, 3-1 vs. UWGB/Loyola, 4-0 vs. UIC/Detroit]
# 2 - UWM (12-4) [1-1 vs. Butler, 1-1 vs. WSU, 3-1 vs. UWGB/Loyola, 3-1 vs. UIC/Detroit]
# 3 - Wright State (9-7)
# 4 - UWGB (8-8) [2-0 vs. Loyola]
# 5 - Loyola (8-8) [0-2 vs. UWGB]
# 6 - UIC (7-9) [1-1 vs. Detroit, 1-3 vs. Butler/UWM]
# 7 - Detroit (7-9) [1-1 vs. UIC, 0-4 vs. Butler/UWM]
# 8 - Cleveland State (5-11)
# 9 - Youngstown State (4-12)